The existing rules and guidelines are included below. Please help us maintain this amazing platform along with our incredibly successful process by ensuring that you are both aware of and following our process, best practices and rules.


Existing rules for Underpayment Audit submissions:

  • Each agent MUST complete onboarding training prior to gaining access to the Underpayment submission form.
  • Agents must NOT submit “fake or test” submissions for Underpayment.  Any “fake or test” submission will result in said agent being unable to submit an opportunity for one (1) month.  A second infraction is grounds for termination. 
  • Each agent is allowed to submit 3 (three) prospects.  As prospects close, more can be added (to a maximum of three at any one time).  Any submissions following the third will be discarded. 
  • Each submission must be with a warm relationship (NO COLD business).  Warm is defined as someone that you have a direct personal and/or existing business relationship with.  A personal relationship is defined as a person that recognizes your name and voice and has spent time with you personally (in planned fashion, not happenstance) at least a half a dozen times.  This may also be achieved via a Strategic Alliance that meets the same definition as above.  A business relationship is defined as one for which there’s an existing relationship whereby a product has been sold that is currently being utilized by the prospect / client.   Stryde / ADHC will interview each facility submitted and if same was approached cold, it will be taken from the associated agent and their up-line (train your people to follow the rules) and the perpetrating agent will be terminated.
  • Agents are NOT permitted to produce or disseminate ANY content related to Underpayments.  The only content that may be used is that issued by Stryde directly in conjunction with the direction to use same for purposes of dissemination.  This includes but is not limited to; video/audio recordings, webinars, advertisements, brochures, overviews, websites, etc..  Any breach of the above is grounds for immediate termination and legal action.