Congratulations! Your desire to be partnered with a Team Leader shows that you  wish to be the most effective and thus successful advisor possible and working closely with a team leader is a proven method to accomplish just that.


Our team leaders are carefully chosen based on years of successful advisorship coupled with their desire to dedicate their time and energy towards fostering your success.


To ensure the team leader / advisor relationship is mutually beneficial, advisors too must have the same level of dedication and serious focus towards their own success.  They must be willing to invest in themselves and work within a program proven for its success.


The only way to ensure mutual beneficiality is to align the role of Team Leader with the Premium Program.


This alignment of program and team leader combines every element necessary for success into one cohesive program.  Each element works harmoniously creating the ideal environment for Advisor & Team Leader to build on each other's success.

Premium Program Elements:

  • Targeted Industry Specific Leads Weekly 
  • Dedicated Team Leader
  • Additional social posts, HTML email templates & landing scripts
  • 20+ Hours of Industry Based Recorded Training Webinars
  • No ongoing commitment

If you are already in either the Premium Program and are not sure who your Team Leader is, please email the Support Department using the subject line:  TEAM LEADER ASSIGNMENT REQUEST.  

If you are not yet signed up it takes just a few moments to do so.  Simply log into your GMG Portal at  and then go to to get set up!